Mon 27 Jan
🇵🇭 FOREIGN FILIPINA Princess 👸🏻From the PHILIPPINES 🇵🇭 💦💦🍑 - 21
(City of San Jose, East Bay, Fremont, San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
SPECIALS 💢 ❤ 💢 ——💄 💢 ❤ 💢 [[ GORGEOUS ]] 💢 ❤ 💢✌——💢 ❤ 💢[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💢 ❤ 💢 Playful 💢 ❤ LaTiNa 💢 - 22
(, Providence/Pawtucket/Incalls)
___ NEW! »-829;-»_ PETITE _ lil _ TREAT_ »-829;-» FUN SIZE! YAY! - 24
(Westchester, Yonkers/White Pls/TarryTwn /OUT/100%REAL)
SPECIAL SUPER SOAKER! SMOOCHES!100% Guaranteed or ur $$ Back! ! - 40
(Private residence Cranston!!!!!, Providence)
special {MmMm}} -:+:- °M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° -:+:- ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° -:+:- {{mMmM}} - 24
(EaSt PrOvIdEnCe RhOdE iSlAnD((iNcAlL)))
uP aLL NiGhT !!💃💕 Gorgeous Latina 💕💃 NaUgHtY and NiCe 👅💦U - 21
(Ventura, Ventura Oxnard Camarillo 101 FWY)
Slender HOT Babe - Sensual yet Passionate Rendezvous - LEAVING TOWN AT 5pm DONT MISS ME - 23
(, Warwick / Providence)
☆☆SeXy☆☆BrUnEtTe☆☆ LeT yOuR dReAmS cOmE tRuE ☆☆♡♡ NeW pIcTuReS♡♡ get it while it lasts... - 23
(, providence **incalls**outcalls**)
SHEs BACK!!! ..Be Facinated....Experience Something Special...PRIME Age Tigre$$ + youthful beauty - 44
(Providence, Providence Cranston Warwick)
♥▇▇SEXY ♥▇▇♥▇▇♥▇ SEXY ▇♥▇▇♥▇ 100 SPECIALS▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ SEXY ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇ ▇♥ - 24
★【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs】★【niCє 💋 bѺѺb's】★【 InDePeNdEnT💋 OUTCALL 】★【JuiCy 💋 αSS】★ ... ,,, - 19
Super SEXY,fit, and everything just right. call me baby let's make it one Hell of a night - 27
(, west Warwick)
stunning petite brunette classy sexy from head to toe !!you cant deny this!!why would you! - 24
(providence area incall)
⭐STOP ✋RiGHT ✋THΞRΞ$ ⭐👸 I'LL 🍬 b●L●o●W 🍭 yOuR 🍬 MInD 👸ωeττ-⭐-յυιcφ -Tall Hot Blonde!! Yummy - 25
(, Providence area INCALLS Only)
STOP YOUR SEARCH!! ⛔️ YOUR ASIAN SENSATION 😍 Click this add & read what your missing out on 😘 - 22
(, Providence ri)
sTuNniNG gIRl *** oUtCaLl SpEcIaLs **** %100 aCTuaL pIC oF mE *** DD's and Really Hot **$175 - 23
(** oUTCAll's Only ***)
****sTaR (hoTTiE) & 5 stAr SERVIcE ****ReaL SeXy aN HoT bLoNdE**** 100% ME :) IN & OUTCALLS - 23
Start your night & bring your dreams to life!$80&2girl specials! NEW PICS if its NOT ME ITS FREE
(, providence **incalls**outcalls**)
{{sPeCiiaLs}} ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ bRand neW & deLiiciouS StarR ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ {{sPeCiiaLs}} 207-713-4946 - 21
(, Warwick/Providence {OUTCALLS})
Start the week RIGHT!*~ Sexy Wild Blonde Bombshell~* ill take all your stresses away...****25 - 25
(, Incalls Warwick near airport)
-:¦:-So SeXy-:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS-:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE -:¦:- BeSt InToWn - 27
(, airport incall)
smiley guys^^ petite & soft just for ur comfort hispanic doll ^^^ openly friendly - 22
(, fall river/E.providence Outcalls)
°*° SMOKIN HOT Body!!! Come See Me °*° New Pics!!!! - 26
(, Johnston * R.I. incalls/ Casino Friendly)
!!Smokin!!!! Sexy European Vixen Will Make You Mellltt !!!!!the Sweetest Candy around! - 24
(providence area incall)
(♥) CLICKHERE 88$deals (♥) Brunette +Seductive +Sensual + Curvy = B O M B S H E L L - 27
(Memphis, Memphis/Jackson/Lowest Rates 9016490156)
~🎄⛄Simply The Best, Better Than All The Rest HOT BLOND BOMBSHELL⛄🎄~ $80 SPECIALS S80 SPECIALS✔✔ - 23
(, RI incalls (MA+CT outcalls))
♡♥♡ SeXy .SwEeT. PeTiTe . WhItE GiRl LoOking FoR sOmE ComPany --》 GiVe Me A CaLl. ♡♥♡ - 21
(, Outcalls ...possibly incalls)
*°* SeXy *°*Playmate*°* *°* 100%*°* ReAl*°*° GoRgEoUs *°* BlUe *°* EyEs *°* - 26
(, prov/ johnston/RI,CT Casinos In/outcall)
Super Soaker SPECIAL available all night! If i can't soak the sheets, $$$Back guarantee! - 40
(cranston private residence incall, Providence)
💋💦SUNDAY Specials 💋💦 Early Bird GETS THE Worm FULL SATISFACTION 💦💋 - 25
(Providence, Rhode Island out calls every where)
Stop taking chances and throwing money away ..go with a trusted provider 💋new pic💋great reviews! - 32
(, Prov area)